
The people who make it all work

Agents are the backbone of the network who monitor for triggers and execute the jobs in enclaves and provide attestation of the results. Agents monitor the triggers and invoke enclaves to run the code when trigger condition is met. The trigger can be based on time, block, event, or a combination of them.

The enclave is a trusted execution environment that ensures the isolation and the protection of the code and the data, from external interference or tampering. The enclave also verifies the job’s image and requests the private inputs from the secret management service during runtime.

The enclave runs the job and checks if the conditions are met. If the conditions are met, the enclave submits the data and the success attestation to the contracts. If the conditions are not met, the enclave submits the proof of failure and the failure attestation to the contracts.

In short – the true Heros.

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